
Part 1: 2025 Planning Horizon – A Personal View

Jan 2, 2025

Happy New Year to you all!!  Like many of you, I’ve been reflecting on 2024 and thinking about what I want to make happen in 2025.  The short answer is… I have NO idea!  Setting intentions for the year is great and, yet the thought of an annual planning horizon seems counterproductive based on my previous experience and on the uncertainty here in the US, let alone around the world.

Sure, I have big goals and encourage my coaching and consulting clients to dream big as well.  The difference for me this year is I want to give my hyper-achiever a break.  Striving can be exhausting and my hypothesis (backed by a bit of research you’ll see below) is that I might just be able to accomplish a lot more and enjoy the journey with a weekly or even daily focus instead of constantly holding that BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) as the brightest guiding light.  I want to set an intention for the day, celebrate the successes, and learn from the failures as I plan for the next week.  All of which is good for enhancing my brain’s neuroplasticity and honors my value of being a constant learner.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ― Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

If you’re interested in learning more about developing good habits to achieve your own BHAG, there are many experts out there to help.  Two additional resources I’m happy to share are the Fogg Behavior Model and a great coach, Nir Eyal, whose articles you can see here:

So, my question for you in this new year… what is the right planning horizon that excites you and can keep you motivated??  If you’d like to talk that through in a private coaching session, just sign up here on my website as I still have three FREE coaching slots left for January!!

Finally, as you may have guessed, there is a Part 2 to this two-part series.  In Part 2, I will focus on what the right planning cycle is for your nonprofit!  With the challenges you brought with you into this year and what may come with the new administration, let’s all be open to pivoting where needed and building the planning culture and resilience needed to succeed no matter what may come our way!  Until then… stay well and let me know how I might help you and/or your organization.

Happiest of New Years to you all!!!

Robin Yates

With decades of experience, I creatively partner with clients to design an exciting and manageable way forward. I’ve always wanted to help those doing important work discover (or rediscover) the joy of working towards a world-changing mission. Yates Advisory allows me to do just that as, first and foremost, an “Executive Enabler”!

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